Fast & Affordable Air Purifiers.

No Marketing Fluff. Just Clean Air.

Accurate Air Quality Monitors.

Understand what's in the Air.
  • No Waiting

    Receive your order 2-3 business days after ordering and you'll receive free shipping when you spend over $100!

     *Blast/Blast Mini allow an extra 2 days
  • Make a Difference

    Every purchase supports social enterprise Smart Air in their mission to educate and bring clean air to more people around the world
  • Best Value

    We've analysed over 60 Air Purifiers available in New Zealand. The results? Smart Air's purifiers are clearly the best value around!
  • In Safe Hands

    We're New Zealand’s only authorised distributor for Smart Air, who have shipped over 100,000 low cost air purifiers around the world!

Our Range - Now Everyone Can Afford Clean Air

Sqair air purifier

How do you Select an Air Purifier?

Clean air is hugely beneficial, but choosing the right air purifier can be tricky! Dive into our guide to get the facts and make an informed choice. Don't fall for marketing hype, check out our guide before you buy!

Not Sure Where to Start?

In one minute or less find your perfect air purifier companion with our quick and easy quiz!

Check out what Smart Air® Purifiers can do!

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